Cellulite, also known as orange peel, is a problem that afflicts the vast majority of women. It affects women of all ages, regardless of weight, because a normal body weight does not necessarily protect the skin from ugly thickening. There are many factors that lead to the development of cellulite, but they all lead to the fact that the fatty tissue is improperly distributed and its natural structure changes.
Fat cells become too large and compress blood vessels, obstructing the flow of body fluids. This is the origin of the characteristic lumps, which are mainly visible on the buttocks, thighs and abdomen. Can you get rid of them?
How to avoid cellulite?
The simplest way is proper prevention. A healthy diet and regular exercise are the most effective ways to protect the skin from cellulite. The tendency to cellulite may be inherited from the mother, in which case prevention is especially important, but even women who do not have this burden should take care of themselves so that fatty tissue does not grow too much.
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Cellulite prevention
As a preventive measure, it is important to maintain a healthy body weight, which is promoted by a diet of vegetable fats, vegetables, whole-wheat flour products, avoiding salt and various stimulants.
It is also necessary to move every day, and it is not necessary to play a strenuous sport: long, intense walks, cycling, dancing and stretching are sufficient. Yoga is also very useful because it strengthens the body and improves circulation.
Aspects such as clothing and personal hygiene are also important, because the development of orange peel is promoted by, among other things, wearing very tight clothing or taking frequent baths in hot water.
What to do when it appears?
Cellulite is not just a cosmetic problem. It is also an indication of a health disorder, so a visit to a dermatologist is essential if the cellulite is very severe. The most commonly recommended treatments are lymphatic drainage and pressure therapy, mesotherapyI treatments include cellulolysis, specialized massage. All these treatments aim to break up fat lumps and decongest blood vessels to improve circulation and excretion of metabolic products.
In addition, you can support an effective cream for cellulite We have already described some of them on our blog.
There are also tablets for cellulite. Their use should accelerate water excretion and general detoxification of the body and improve fat metabolism. Anti-cellulite tablets are available without a prescription, but they should always be taken as directed and the dosage should not be increased to accelerate their effect.
Sometimes, also, watery cellulite is due to hormonal imbalance, which may result in discontinuation of the hormonal contraceptive pill in favor of another method.
Home remedies for cellulite
If cellulite is still underdeveloped, you can try to fight it with home remedies.
The first and most important thing to do is to eliminate table salt and replace it with herbs and other spices. You should also eliminate the habit of consuming salty and unhealthy snacks, such as chips, sticks and crackers. Instead, between meals, you can consume raw vegetables and fruits, which are equally effective in satisfying hunger and at the same time have a beneficial effect on health by providing many valuable vitamins and minerals, on which the condition of our skin also depends.
The second important change is to give up sugary drinks and drink plenty of mineral water with fresh lemon juice. Water is the most effective in eliminating the toxins responsible for cellulite formation, but herbal teas, such as nettle tea, which rids the body of excess water, also have a good effect. Green and red tea also have a depurative effect.
The third thing is home beauty treatments. In stores you can find many good quality cosmetics for cellulite, which are applied directly to the skin, there are creams that not only act on cellulite but also stretch mark cream . To make their action more effective, it is worth using the body wrap method: the skin smeared with anti-cellulite cosmetics is wrapped tightly with aluminum foil. This wrap is kept for several hours, so that the active substances contained in the cosmetics can reach the deeper layers of the skin and fight the problem.
It is also worth giving up high-heeled shoes, at least from time to time. On stiletto heels the legs are very loaded and the blood circulates less efficiently there, while with comfortable sneakers or ballet flats the blood reaches all the vessels and the legs do not fatigue as much.
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